Hello again.

Well, here goes.

I was inspired to start blogging again after talking (well, texting, who am I kidding) with a close friend who recently started his own blog/journal about his road to recovery. He said, writing can be so therapeutic. And as I read that text I remembered why I started to blog in the first place; that exact reason! To get out my thoughts, good or bad, to help me get through the day(s) or to vent, or to randomly mumble, where no one has to hear what I’m saying unless they choose to (read it) – and maybe some of you will.

Where to begin. Life has had some big changes. The last post I wrote was in fall 2015, only a few short weeks before I fell pregnant with our sweet baby girl. Since then, my sister got married, I met my niece for the first time (she just turned 9 years old – that’s another post for another day), we moved to a new city (well, where I grew up anyway) and we added another little one to our family.

You could say a lot has happened since I’ve been here; my mind has been racing with so many different thoughts (some good, some bad, some questionable) and I hope to start writing them all out again. To help me get through this thing called life.